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Repair & Manufacturing Facility:

We also served as the acting shop and field repair representative for the Western Gear Company and as a manufacturing facility for Wilson Manufacturing Company based in Wichita Falls, Texas. Wilson was a manufacturer of well service rigs and mud pumps. SMC Inc. has served and currently serves as a manufacturing and repair center for Oil Well Supply, Cabot-Franks, National, Halliburton, The Western Company, B.J. Hughes, Gardner Denver and many others. We manufacture a triplex pump of 165 H.P. with parts interchangeable to the Gardner Denver model TEE and are currently developing a 500 H.P. pump with parts interchangeable to Oilwell's SA-644-5 pump. SMC has a large warehouse full of quality replacement parts for various types of equipment such as Triplex Plunger Pumps, Mud Pumps, Swivels, Drawworks and Rotaries.

We manufacture positive displacement pumps and replacement parts vital to the oil industry worldwide. We have customers that include both domestic and foreign oil companies. We also manufacture and repair a variety of products used in routine maintenance by customers with rock crushers, aggregate and commercial cement manufacturing plants.

Our Mission:

To supply and/or manufacture reliable quality products, to the highest industry standards that satisfy our customers.


SMC Inc. of Odessa, Texas began business in 1964 employing 12-15 full time mechanics. These experienced mechanics performed field service work as we began our commitment with Sun Oil, American Petro-Fina, Amoco, Cities Service, Texaco, EI Paso Natural Gas, Anadarko, Hunt Oil and many others.

By the year 1980, SMC Inc. had begun to add drilling contractors to our portfolio. We also employed 6-8 rig mechanics that served an area encompassing a 250 mile radius of our facility in Odessa, Texas.

Today, SMC employs approximately 50 skilled men and women and operates a state-of-the-art manufacturing and repair facility

Product Development:

SMC Inc. developed and patented a rotary blow out preventer in the 1980's. This product led to the formation of a new company called Chickasha Rentals whose only role was to market the rotating head. The Chickasha rotating head was utilized in the drilling of new wells throughout the States of Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico and was later sold to Flag Redfern Oil Company for 1.5 million U.S.D. SMC Inc. was also the SKYTOP BREWSTER Sales & Service Center for the Permian Basin during this era.